The Last Ice Hunters (Zadnji ledeni lovci)
Feature documentary film
The documentary film (72′) The Last Ice Hunters tells the story of the present generation of hunters in the Inuit community of Eastern Greenland and represents the final chapter in their long history.
Film directors
Jure Breceljnik
Rožle Bregar
Rožle Bregar
Music score
Miha Petric
Jure Breceljnik
Slaviša Majstorović
Natalija Gros
Assistant producer
Igor Kadunc
Camera operators
Wesley Johnson
Miha Avguštin
Urban Potočnik
Sound designers
Borut Barden
Simon Šimat
Graphic design
Jure Legac
Kamera Alpine in Gold
Mountainfilm Graz
Austria, 2018
Grand prix
Mednarodni festival gorniškega filma
Slovenia, 2018
Nature and Environment Award
Autrans IMFF
France, 2018
UshuaiaTV Jury Award
Autrans IMFF
France, 2018
Best documentary
Siciliambiente Festival
Italy, 2018
Best Cinematography
Vilko Filač award, 8. FEMF
Slovenia, 2017
Best Cinematography Award
ZIEFF, Zlatno
Romania, 2017
Best cinematography
IRIS, Slovenian cinematography award
Slovenia, 2017
Best music score
Fimucite, Teneriffe
Spain, 2017