Tatjana in Motherland (Mama je ena sama)

Feature documentary film


Tatjana in Motherland (60′) is a partly animated documentary essay about Slovenia and its men. It is a “documentary-tale” of how Slovenian society has been disintegrating in an invisible way. The documentary will unveil a Slovenian Oedipus archetype of the possessive martyr mother type and her relationship with her son, in which she through emotional manipulation, by constantly creating feelings of guilt, burdens her son to such a degree, that he remains dependant on her for the rest of his life. In order to put this relationship to its best use, all the governing structures the Communists, the Roman-Catholic Church and current democratic governments have elevated mother figure on the level of a saint and have assigned to it the cultish role. The result of the Slovenian maternal cult is a typical Slovene male, who is pathologically obsessed with his mother. Due to an absent father he is ot morally introduced into society, whereas the mother continually rewards his childish behavior. He is stuck in his development, filled with envy and jealousies. On average, he enters society only after 32, highly educated but with low self-esteem and an insatiable need for admiration. He usually becomes an alcohol-addicted compulsive-creative artist or a narcissistic businessman, who treats people like figures, a politician who can only lead according to the principle of Divide and

Conquer or even a sociopath murderer. Slovenia is one of the smallest European countries with a population of 2 million. It has a most unusual geographical shape, reminiscent of a protective mother-hen guarding her eggs.


Film director
Miha Čelar

Rožle Bregar

Sašo Kolarič

Lighting technician
Gašper Kocjančič

Sound recordist
Aljaž Lukan

Miha Čelar

Stopmotion animation
Gregor Kocjančič

Best editing
2. Noida Int. FF

Winner Gold Award
Documentary & Short
Int. movie award